Claremont, CA

    (909) 399-0707

Thanks for signing up to get our
four valuable reports for parents

To access each report, just click on a link below. A new window will open up with a page that includes the report.

Help! My Child Needs More Confidence

How Can I Get My Child To Focus

Say Yes To Discipline

Keys To A Healthy Weight


Our schedule for new students is: Monday 3:50 or 6:20; Tuesday 3:50 or 5:30; Wednesday 3:50 or 5:30; Thursday 3:50 or 7:10; Friday 3:50; Saturday 9:00


As far as web specials, here is what we are offering at this time
(first-time customers only).

Once you decide the schedule will work for you, please click on the special and sign up! Once you do, we will call you within the next business day to confirm your purchase and schedule your first class!



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